Sandplay Therapy happens in a free and protected space of empathy and deep listening.It is well known in the children's mental health field and its effectiveness has been documented in the books: Trauma Through A Child's Eyes by Peter Levine and Maggie Kline and Helping Abused and Traumatized Children by Elana Gil. It is also a wonderful therapy for adults and is now recognized as a branch of analytic therapy.
Sandplay therapy as taught by the Canadian Association for Sandplay Therapy is a psycho-therapeutic process for children and adults developed by Dora Kalff in the 1950s based on some of the theories of Carl Jung about the collective unconscious and the meaning of universal symbols and dreams.
"Through spontaneous imaginative play in small trays of wet or dry sand, clients sculpt sand and position miniature figurines and objects to create three dimensional scenes. In the 'free and protected space' of the therapeutic environment, these sand pictures express and mediate between the client's inner and outer worlds, and promote healing and wholeness.
The Canadian Association of Sandplay Therapy |
"In Kalffian sandplay, the healing process includes the power of the 'free and protected' space of the therapeutic environment and the sand tray, the therapist's attitude of unconditional acceptance towards the client, and the active presence of a therapist engaged in silent observations without judgment and interpretation. Listening and looking, the therapist attends with empathy and understanding during the sandplay process."
"At the end of the session, the client leaves with an intact image of the scene created, while the therapist photographs the picture. These photographs are used to record the clients sandplay therapy process. When therapy is finished, which may be after many sessions, the therapist and client may look at the pictures together and connect the images with the client's inner and outer life events that were significant during the course of the therapy and in the present."