THERAPY For Children
Beverley works with children of any age starting at about two and a half to three years of age. The child needs to be old enough to engage in some kind of imaginative pretend play. I also work with teenagers and adults.
Beverley can advise parents on what changes may help their child at home or at school. She also has play therapy techniques and talking techniques for resolving issues or trauma. Sandplay Therapy is ideal for children because it is natural for them to express how they are feeling through play with symbolic figures, especially if they do not wish to talk. This is their language and how they learn and heal hurts and conflicts. The sand in itself is also soothing, calming and a transformative modality for helping resolve any issues they are struggling with such as a loss, difficulties at school, a learning disability, low self esteem or a traumatic event. |
Creating many scenes in sand trays in a therapeutic free and protected space of non judgement and caring, helps children get to the heart of the inner conflict about their most important issue, and they eventually find their own strength and insight to resolve it. There are certain stages of growth that are observed by seeing their creation of symbolic worlds as they shift and evolve. This often leads to more confidence, being more successful in the world, and improved relationships.
I also may teach children how to handle their emotions and get along with others through the Tools for Life approach, using props and games, such as identifying their own and other's emotions and body cues, learning calming strategies, communication, and conflict resolution skills. This approach has been used in schools and may help children make friends, and reduce bullying. I sometimes give parental advice on what changes may help the child at home or at school. If the child is interested, parents may occasionally join the child in counselling or therapy sessions. |