Do you suffer from anxiety and stress? Does it occur in your personal life, or work life, or both? Have you been affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic? Is world news affecting your mental health? Do you have a trauma history?
What causes anxiety and stress?
Unresolved trauma or difficult events may cause unwanted FESAPS, which means Feelings, Emotions, Sensations, Attitudes and Pains. These can be built up in the body and brain over time when a difficult event has been suppressed, and an intention you had at the time of the event was not fulfilled. Processing past events and relationships with Traumatic Incident Reduction, can over time remove anxiety and other FESAPS from the body and brain, allowing you to move on with your life. Sometimes anxiety is lodged in the primitive responses of our nervous systems, such as fight, flight or freeze, or adverse childhood experiences and we need tools to calm the body such as mindfulness, breathing techniques, and meditation which can also rewire our brains for healthier cognitions and resilience.
How I can help you manage anxiety & stress
Anxiety can have many causes, and therefore may require a different treatment approach depending on the individual. We can come up with a therapy plan together of what would best help you. For instance, burn out and over work, may cause a feeling of extreme stress unless steps are taken for self care and more work life balance, relaxation strategies, re-evaluating life dreams, and plans for supportive human connection.